Presvytera Julie Honeycutt

Licensed Professional Counselor, Licensed Mental Health Counselor, National Certified Counselor

Lynchburg, Virginia

Distance/Telehealth Services: Yes

Mental Health Services Provided
  • Outpatient Counseling / Therapy
  • Consultation / Supervision for Christian Mental Health Professionals
Ages/Demographics Served
  • Adults
  • Clergy / Clergy Families
  • Therapists
Area(s) of Focus
  • Holistic wellness (spirit, mind, and body)
  • Consultation for therapists integrating faith and psychology
  • How to slow down the mind for contemplation and prayer
  • Thought life: untangling the mind
  • Self-compassion: Inner-critic/Shame
  • Suffering well
  • Healing the healer
  • Burnout for the helper
  • Decisions & Discernment
  • Religious Wounds
  • Childhood Neglect
  • Forgiveness (of self, others, and God)
  • Spiritual Development/Formation
  • Crisis of Faith
Licensed to Practice
  • Massachusetts
  • Michigan
  • Tennessee
  • Virginia
Additional Certifications
  • IFS (Internal Family Systems) Certified Practitioner (Levels 1, 2 & 3)
Integration of Faith Suffering and struggles are a part of the human condition. Ancient Christian wisdom teaches us that making meaning of our pain is the foundation for finding health and healing. In my approach, meaning-making is explored through a Judeo-Christian lens by understanding hardships as a pathway to the peace that God offers through Jesus Christ. By sorting out and untangling the complexity of burdened thoughts and feelings and learning how to be intentional with our inner dialogue, we can bring each aspect of oneself to the submission of Christ's compassion which provides the peace that passes understanding.
Primary Address Lynchburg, Virginia