Adam Kohlan

Pre-Licensed Professional Marriage and Family Therapist

Nashville, Tennessee

(615) 592-6769

Distance/Telehealth Services: Yes

Mental Health Services Provided
  • Outpatient Counseling / Therapy
  • Psychoeducation
  • Group Counseling / Therapy
Ages/Demographics Served
  • Adolescents
  • College Students / Young Adults
  • Adults
  • Families
Area(s) of Focus
  • Trauma
  • Anxiety
  • Relationship Issues
  • Self-Esteem Issues
  • Grief/Loss
  • OCD
Licensed to Practice
  • Tennessee
Integration of Faith My values of being an Orthodox Christian affect therapy in that my worldview is how I perceive all relationships. Our faith will affect therapy to the degree to which I acquire and manifest the light of the Holy Spirit in my life in my relationship with the other and help them to foster qualities of the Holy Spirit in themselves. These qualities are "love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control." As St. Seraphim of Serov says, “acquire the Spirit of Peace, and thousands around you will be saved” (Serov, 2015).
Primary Address Nashville, Tennessee