Eleni Paris
Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist
Tarpon Springs, Florida 34689
(813) 609-0438
Distance/Telehealth Services: Yes
Mental Health Services Provided |
Ages/Demographics Served |
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Licensed to Practice |
Integration of Faith | As a licensed marriage and family therapist, I specialize in helping people with their relationships: their relationships with their spouses/significant others; their relationships with other family members; their relationships with themselves and if they would like to integrate faith into their therapy session conversations, I am compelled to become curious about, explore, and address their relationship with God. As an Orthodox Christian, I feel it is natural, respectful, and "the way" to help people heal and grow personally and with their loved ones, so that ultimately, they become closer to Him. It is an honor and a blessing for me to be in this role as a marriage and family therapist. |
Primary Address | Tarpon Springs, Florida 34689 |