Michaela Christine Robinson

Licensed Professional Counselor

Carrollton, Texas 75010

(813) 407-0635


Distance/Telehealth Services: Yes

Mental Health Services Provided
  • Outpatient Counseling / Therapy
  • Psychoeducation
Ages/Demographics Served
  • Adults
Area(s) of Focus
  • Dissociative Identity Disorder
  • Complex PTSD
  • Narcissistic Abuse
Licensed to Practice
  • Texas
Additional Certifications
  • Trauma Model Certified (Ross)
  • EMDR Trained
Integration of Faith Orthodoxy provides me a way to work with survivors of complex trauma within a framework of healing. As a convert, I am familiar with the transactional and "totally depraved" way of relating to God that dysfunctional families often engrandize in spiritual abuse. I integrate the truths about who God is and who we are through the way I seek to love, in techniques on managing shame, and in attempts to rely on God in my sessions. I have my office blessed by my priest and pray for my clients.
Primary Address Carrollton, Texas 75010