Fr. Timothy Pavlatos

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist

Chandler, Arizona

(480) 899-3330

Distance/Telehealth Services: No

Mental Health Services Provided
  • Outpatient Counseling / Therapy
Ages/Demographics Served
  • Clergy / Clergy Families
  • Clergy Couples
Licensed to Practice
  • Oregon
Additional Certifications
  • Certified Clinical Trauma Professional
  • Certified Prepare/Enrich Facilitator
Integration of Faith I allow the client to speak about the Sacraments of the church, and their usefulness in the therapeutic process. In addition, the value of Scripture and the writings of the Holy Fathers as guiding principles for overall health, sense of self, and self in relationship to God and others. I also look at the person from an Orthodox Anthropological perspective as well as the goal of the Orthodox person in terms of striving towards Christ-likeness.
Primary Address Chandler, Arizona