Gabriella P. Christy

Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor

Greensboro, North Carolina

(901) 218-2435

Distance/Telehealth Services: Yes

Mental Health Services Provided
  • Outpatient Counseling / Therapy
Ages/Demographics Served
  • Children
  • Families
Area(s) of Focus
  • ADHD
  • Autism
  • ODD
  • Anxiety
  • Conduct Disorder
  • Abuse
  • Trauma
Licensed to Practice
  • North Carolina
Additional Certifications
  • RPT (Registered Play Therapist)
Integration of Faith I find that being present with clients has been an important part of how I integrate my Orthodox Faith. Coming from a place of unconditional positive regard as Christ shows us to work with all different types of people has been a foundation with how I practice. One can never know how much pain and hurt someone has been through, so to have an Orthodox Theology in my foundation is crucial.
Primary Address Greensboro, North Carolina