Assembly Secretariat Meets
Thursday, February 17, 2011
The Secretariat of the Assembly of Bishops held its fourth meeting this past Wednesday, February 16. They met for over an hour by teleconference. Questions concerning the incorporation of the Assembly were discussed, as was the work of the thirteen committees.
Bishop Maxim, as Coordinator for Committees, has been in touch with each of the chairmen to help them begin their work with their colleagues, in hopes that each committee will have an opportunity to meet before the plenary gathering of the Assembly scheduled for May. Bishop Maxim, and those working with him, have worked hard and successfully to help facilitate the work of these thirteen committees.
Various other matters were also discussed, including the venue and agenda for the upcoming May meeting. Another meeting has been scheduled for the middle of March.
As always, the prayers of the faithful are requested, that God will prosper the work of his bishops for the Church in North America.