
Monday, November 28, 2022

The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America is made up of all the active, canonical Orthodox Bishops in the United States of America, from every universally-recognized autocephalous Orthodox jurisdiction. From time to time, clarification is needed regarding our membership. The Palestinian Orthodox Church of America and the Vicariate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Kyivan Patriarchate in the USA and Canada are not in communion with any Orthodox Church represented in the Assembly of Bishops. Accordingly, Ramiz Musallam – also known as Metropolitan Melchizdeck of the Palestinian Orthodox Church of America – and Bohdan Zhoba – also known as Bishop Luke of the Vicariate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, Kyivan Patriarchate in the USA and Canada – are not members of the Assembly of Bishops.

A list of the member hierarchs of the Assembly of Bishops can be found here.