Showing 241 - 260 of 409 Articles | Page 13 of 21

Synaxis of Primates Concludes; Holy and Great Synod to Convene in 2016
At the invitation of His All-Holiness Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, the Primates of the Orthodox Autocephalous Churches came together in Constantinople for a Synaxis on March 6-9, 2014.

Sunday of Orthodoxy
Gathering in our Churches as members of the undivided Body of Christ to celebrate the Sunday of Orthodoxy, we call to mind the holy men and women who defended holy icons, succeeded in restoring them, and pronounced the authentic faith and worship of the Church.

Scholarships for Undergraduate and Graduate Students Available through the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
Applications for two scholarships administered by the Department of Philanthropy of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America are now available to Orthodox Christian students connected to parishes in jurisdictions of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America.

Hierarchs Confirm Commitment to Assembly, Announce Plans for Assembly V
On Tuesday, January 28, the Executive Committee of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America convened. Along with the members of the Executive Committee, the first hierarchs of all jurisdictions were invited to participate.

Assembly Faces Temporary Withdrawal of Participation by Hierarchs of Patriarchate of Antioch
Archbishop Demetrios of America, Chairman of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America, has issued the following statement in response to the temporary withdrawal of the Hierarchs of the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America from their participation in the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America.

OCN "Share the Light Sunday" is January 19
The Assembly of Bishops has designated January 19, 2014 as Orthodox Christian Network "Share the Light" Sunday.

Nativity and Theophany Message
The Assembly releases its 2013 Nativity and Theophany message to the faithful.

2013 Committee Reports Available Online
The Assembly's annual committee reports are now available online. The summary reports, which were prepared by the committee chairmen, provide an overview of each committee's accomplishments between September 2012-August 2013.

60 Minutes to Feature Plight of Coptic Christians
The CBS News program 60 Minutes will air a segment on the plight of Coptic Christians on Sunday, December 15. The program will air at 7 pm ET/PT.

IOCC Sunday is November 24
The Assembly of Bishops has designated November 24, 2013 as International Orthodox Christian Charities' (IOCC) Sunday.

Orthodox And Catholic Theologians Call For Peace In Middle East, Discuss Church Relations
The North American Orthodox Catholic Theological Consultation issued a statement on the plight of Christians in the Middle East at their meeting in Mississauga, Ontario, Oct. 24-26, calling for the release of a Greek Orthodox Metropolitan and a Syriac Orthodox Archbishop, both from Aleppo, Syria, and repudiating the kidnapping, torture and killing of not only Christians but all civilians.

Hundreds Attend Cleveland Assembly Forum
Nearly 300 clergy and laity attended a pan-Orthodox forum on Sunday, October 27 to learn about the Assembly of Bishops, pose questions, and comment on the progress of Orthodox unity in America.

Cleveland to Host First Public Forum on Unity
The Orthodox Christian community of Cleveland, Ohio will host a public forum on the Assembly of Bishops and the future of Church unity in America on Sunday, October 27, 2013.

Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops Makes Progress at 4th Annual Meeting
The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America held its fourth annual meeting September 17-19, 2013 in Schaumburg, IL. Forty-three hierarchs representing 11 jurisdictions were in attendance. At the conclusion of the meeting the Assembly released three official statements to the faithful: on the Church’s unchanging view of marriage; expressing grave concern over escalating violence in the Middle East; and a message on the conclusion of the fourth Assembly.

Assembly IV Concludes; Assembly Issues Statements to the Faithful
In the final day of its annual meeting, the Assembly agreed to issue two statements—one on the Church’s unchanging position on marriage and one expressing grave concern over the escalating violence in the Middle East. The Assembly also released a message to the faithful on the conclusion of Assembly IV.

Canonical Restructuring and National Youth Meeting Key Topics on Day Two
The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops blessed its Committee for Youth to begin planning a North American Pan-Orthodox Youth Gathering of high school students. The gathering would enable Orthodox youth from all jurisdictions to come together, share in their faith, bear witness to the Church, and build bridges across our Orthodox family.

Progress Reflected in 4th Annual Assembly Meeting
The first day of meetings of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America reflected a growing collegiality and cooperation among those present. Forty-three hierarchs representing 11 jurisdictions are in attendance.

An Impatient Patience: An Interview with Metropolitan Kallistos
Fr. Josiah Trenham interviews Metropolitan Kallistos (Ware) on unity and canonical normalization in the West.

September 15 Designated as Assembly Sunday
Sunday, September 15 has been designated as "Assembly Sunday". On this day, the Assembly requests the prayers of all clergy and faithful as it prepares to convene September 17-19 in Chicago for its annual meeting.

Greek and Antiochian Parishes Merge in Tennessee
In an unprecedented action, two Orthodox Christian churches—one Greek and one Antiochian—have merged together to form a new parish in northeastern Tennessee.
Showing 241 - 260 of 409 Articles | Page 13 of 21