Showing 401 - 409 of 409 Articles | Page 21 of 21

Fourth Pre-Conciliar Pan-Orthodox Conference in Chambesy
At the October meeting of the Heads of the Autocephalous Churches, Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew called upon them to "activate the 1993 agreement of the Inter-Orthodox Consultation of the Holy and Great Council in order to resolve the pending matter of the Orthodox Diaspora." This agreement provided a plan to establish an Episcopal Assembly with appropriate authority for the bishops to guide the entire Church in each of the regions of the so-called Orthodox Diaspora. The texts that are linked below are the official English Translations and official Greek texts issued by the Ecumenical Patriarchate of the Communiqué, the Decision, and the Regulations

Address of Archbishop Demetrios, Chairman, at the Episcopal Assembly of North and Central America
As we behold the event of Pentecost, we observe that the multiplicity of languages used by the Holy Apostle in proclaiming the single Gospel is not a cause of confusion or conflict, but a reason for thanksgiving and celebration. The one Gospel does not obliterate linguistic, ethnic, or cultural differences and particularities. The Gospel is clearly a call to unity, but as our history of 2000 years demonstrates, it does not cause an eclipse of the diversity within the Church. And this speaks directly to our case.

2019 College Student Sunday Encyclical
The vision of the Orthodox Christian Fellowship is to be the loving presence of Christ and the Orthodox Church on college campuses; to be an integral part of students’ spiritual formation by challenging them to explore the Faith; and to inspire students to commit to living an Orthodox Christian way of life daily.

Interview with Bishop Alexander of the Orthodox Church in America
The latest interview as part of our series of "Conversations with our Bishops" is now available for you to hear online or download. Bishop Alexander of the Orthodox Church in America offers his reflections on the Assembly.

A Message of Condolence on the Passing of Metropolitan Philip
His Eminence Archbishop Demetrios, Chairman of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of North and Central America, offers a message of condolence on the passing of His Eminence Metropolitan Philip.

Greek Orthodox and Roman Catholic Faithful to Celebrate Ecumenical Service on April 8 in Belmont, CA
His Eminence Metropolitan Gerasimos of the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of San Francisco and His Excellency Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of San Francisco will join together in prayer for the service of Salutations to the Holy Cross of our Lord on Tuesday, April 8 in Belmont, California.

Reorganization of Episcopal Assemblies in the Americas
During the Holy Synaxis of the Primates of the Orthodox Churches, which took place in Constantinople on March 6-9, 2014, the Prelates, through a unanimous vote, agreed to form separate Assemblies of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in Canada and in the United States of America. They further agreed to incorporate the hierarchs of Central America into the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of Latin America.

Prison Ministry Awareness Sunday set for May 21, 2017
We who do not live in the darkness of a prison or jail cannot truly comprehend the incredible distress men and women prisoners live with each and every day. OCPM needs all our help to bring the love and light of Christ to these precious souls. The Orthodox Church, through OCPM, offers both hope and healing to those living in such distress.

Mission Sunday 2017 - February 26, 2017
On this final Sunday before the Great Fast, let us look ahead to the joy that awaits us at the end of our Lenten journey, and let us join together in the work of our brothers and sisters who are bringing that joy to more and more people. Remember the work of the Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC), a common ministry of all Orthodox Christian jurisdictions throughout our nation.
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