Showing 41 - 60 of 409 Articles | Page 3 of 21

Chairman's Homily During Vespers before AoB XII
And therein lies the moral for us all – hierarchs, clergy and laity alike. How far are we willing to go beyond the circle of our own comfort to seek out those in need? It is easy to preach the Gospel within the walls of our Churches, like in this beautiful Cathedral, to those who come willingly to hear. But what of the stranger, the foreigner, the other? How far are we willing to go to find those who need the Gospel, and challenge them to embrace it?

Mission Sunday 2023
On Sunday, February 26, just prior to Great Lent, our Orthodox Christian churches throughout our nation will be observing Mission Sunday, a time to recall our own mission as the People of God within this world. As we begin our Lenten preparation for Pascha, throughout these days we will affirm “the Light of Christ illumines all” (at each Presanctified Divine Liturgy), culminating in receiving the Light as we proclaim and glorify the Lord’s Resurrection.

Series Premiere: Wisdom on Wheels
The Assembly of Bishops announces the premiere of its new series entitled Wisdom on Wheels, a series of interviews with the leadership of the Orthodox Christian Church in the USA. Enjoy this opportunity to learn about your bishops and other leaders: their stories, interests, and more!

Assembly of Bishops' Chairman Calls for the Preservation of Human Rights and Religious Freedom in Serbian & Kosovo
Assembly of Bishops' Chairman Calls for the Preservation of Human Rights and Religious Freedom in Serbian & Kosovo

The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America is made up of all the active, canonical Orthodox Bishops in the United States of America, from every universally-recognized autocephalous Orthodox jurisdiction. From time to time, clarification is needed regarding our membership.

Assembly of Bishops Executive Committee Meets, Approves Agenda for AoB XII as well as a Working Group on Marriage and Family Ministries
Assembly of Bishops Executive Committee Meets, Approves Agenda for AoB XII as well as a Working Group on Marriage and Family Ministries

Assembly of Bishops Sends Delegation to USCCB General Assembly
Assembly of Bishops Sends Delegation to USCCB General Assembly

Committee for Theological Education Convenes Seminaries & other Orthodox Theological Institutions
Committee for Theological Education Convenes Seminaries & other Orthodox Theological Institutions

Encyclical for Prison Ministry Awareness Sunday 2022
Encyclical for Prison Ministry Awareness Sunday 2022

Founder of Orthodox Christian Prison Ministries (OCPM) has Reposed in the Lord
It is with joyful sorrow that we announce that the founder of Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry, Father Duane Pederson, has reposed in the Lord on July 20, 2022.

Assembly of Bishops and Agencies Present at Greek Archdiocese's Clergy Laity
Assembly of Bishops and Agencies Present at Greek Archdiocese Centennial Clergy Laity

Assembly of Bishops Launches mobile app for Android and iPhone
Assembly of Bishops Launches mobile app for Android and iPhone

Assembly of Bishops Announces Peace of Mind, a Training Program in Mental Health First Aid
Assembly of Bishops Announces Peace of Mind, a Training Program in Mental Health First Aid

On the Sacredness of Human Life and its Untimely Termination
We, the members of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America, promote and uphold the sacred and inviolable essence of human life. The continued challenges of our time prompt us to publish a more comprehensive statement of the Orthodox Church’s regard for human life and, in particular, the termination of human life.

Spring Meeting of the North American Orthodox-Catholic Theological Consultation
The North American Orthodox-Catholic Theological Consultation met for its one-hundredth meeting at the Saint Methodios Faith and Heritage Center in Contoocook, New Hampshire, on May 17-19, 2022. Some participants also attended online.

Condolence Letter on the Falling Asleep of Metropolitan Hilarion
On behalf of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America, we pray for the eternal repose and everlasting memory of Metropolitan Hilarion, and we express our deepest condolences to our Brothers and Sisters in ROCOR in this, the time of their mourning. In these moments of loss, we understand that what binds us together in the Risen Christ is far greater and far stronger than anything in the world.
Showing 41 - 60 of 409 Articles | Page 3 of 21