Showing 81 - 100 of 409 Articles | Page 5 of 21

Encyclical for Prison Ministry Awareness Sunday 2021

VIDEO: Assembly of Bishops' 2021 Paschal Message
The Executive Committee of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America's video message for Easter 2021.

Year of the Youth – Meet Your Bishop: Townhalls Successfully Launched!
The first of six Meet Your Bishop: Townhalls was hosted on April 13, 2021. Nearly 60 participants joined in to listen to and dialogue with Assembly Hierarchs.

The Assembly of Bishops Launches Mental Health Needs Assessment Survey
The Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the USA asks all Orthodox Christian clergy and faithful to participate in a Mental Health Needs Assessment Survey.

Attention Youth! Meet Your Bishop at Regional Townhalls

Statement of the Executive Committee on the Proposed Equality Act
We are deeply concerned about the proposed federal “Equality Act,” which would erode religious liberty for both individuals and organizations, including Orthodox Christian jurisdictions, parishes, and faithful. The supporters of this Act, in their desire to promote equality, ultimately infringe upon the religious liberty of Americans to live according to their faith – a right protected under the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Prayer for the Youth
Formulated by the Committee for Liturgy and approved by the Executive Committee, the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America is proud to release its Prayer for the Youth. The Prayer for the Youth is intended for use in various instances and services, especially this year, the Year of the Youth.

Sunday of Orthodoxy 2021 - Recitation of the Synodkion of the 7th Ecumenical Council
The Executive Committee of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America recite the Synodikon of the 7th Ecumenical Council for the occasion of the Sunday of Orthodoxy.

Hunger & the Public Good: Restoring the World by Living the Faith
This three part Lenten webinar series explores Orthodox Christian perspectives on the intersections between Hunger and the Environment, Hunger and Racial Equity, and Hunger and Homelessness. In dialogue with members of Bread for the World, Orthodox Christians will share how the spiritual practices of fasting, prayer, and engagement can help us overcome societal shortcomings in these three timely issues.

Announcement: Assembly of Bishops Seeking Part-Time Programs Coordinator for Task Force on Mental Health
In September 2019, the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America created a Task Force on Mental Health to address mental health needs of the faithful. In order to maintain existing projects and manage new projects of the Task Force, the Assembly of Bishops is seeking a part-time Programs Coordinator.

Announcement: Year of the Youth Activities
The Assembly of Bishops will also be hosting a variety of exciting events and opportunities that will uplift all of us as we celebrate together the Year of the Youth, including a series of online gatherings and webinars; article and video submissions; a video series; and an increased social media presence. We pray all our planned activities will help our youth, youth workers, and parents witness to their faith as we celebrate their good works in Christ.

2021 Scouting Sundays Encyclical
This year the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America, in tandem with American Scouting organizations, celebrates February 7th and March 7th, 2021 as Scouting Sundays. As Orthodox Christians across the country participate in The Year of the Youth, proclaimed by the Assembly of Bishops, special focus is placed on positive and tangible ways to encourage our young people to follow the right path, the path that leads them ever closer to our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Recognized by the Standing Conference of Orthodox Bishops in America (SCOBA) in 1955, the Eastern Orthodox Committee on Scouting (EOCS) remains an official Commission of the Assembly of Bishops, providing opportunities for our young people to live by the precepts of their faith through Scouting.

2021 Mission Sunday Encyclical
Despite the anxieties, disruption, loss and grief imposed by the pandemic of these past, long months, we know that in our Savior and Healer we have no need to fear. Indeed, proclaiming this Good News is as important, if not more important, now than ever. The Hierarchs of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States are committed to this mission, and one means we do so beyond our borders is our support of the Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC) on which we specially focus on Mission Sunday, March 14 of this year.

Assembly of Bishops Endorses Alternatives to Women in Crisis Pregnancies
When the burden is too heavy, we, the Church, must be there to lift the burden and open the door to other, more perfect solutions. Otherwise, we too are missing the mark. With this mission, the Assembly of Bishops’ Affiliate Ministry Zoe For Life! “affirms the value of all life by helping women in a confidential manner during and after crisis pregnancies.”

2021: The Year of the Youth

Statement Regarding Developments in Medicine: COVID-19 Vaccines & Immunizations
Scripture encourages us to respect and protect the body as the temple of God (1 Cor. 6:19). At the same time, it discourages us from either tempting or testing the Lord (Matt. 4:7). And as your spiritual shepherds, we affirm and assure you that it is neither wrong nor sinful to seek medical attention and advice. In fact, we welcome interventions that provide us more time for spiritual renewal and repentance.

Share the Light Sunday 2021
This year marks a great milestone in our history as we celebrated 25 years since the Orthodox Christian Network's founding. There is no more important time than now to “Let the Word of Christ dwell within us richly” to give us the courage and strength we all desire to meet the challenges we all face.

Assembly of Bishops Announces New Directory of Orthodox Christian Mental Health Professionals
he Mental Health Task Force of the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States of America accomplished its first major task by publishing a comprehensive and unified Directory of Orthodox Christian Mental Health Professionals.

Consider Supporting the Assembly of Bishops this Giving Tuesday
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