Bearing Fruit in Romania : A letter from OCMC Missionary Floyd Frantz
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Bearing Fruit in Romania : A letter from OCMC Missionary Floyd Frantz
July 26, 2006
Orthodox Christian Mission Center, St. Augustine, FL – In a recent
letter to supporters, OCMC Missionary Floyd Frantz shared a story about
his ministry bearing fruit in Romania. Floyd’s ministry, the St.
Dimitrie Program, focuses on counseling people with addictions and
training others to counsel as well. Floyd serves in Romania with his
wife, Ancu þ a, who directs the Protection of the Theotokos Day Center ,
which works to prevent child abandonment. Below Floyd shares how one
person who was healed through the St. Dimitrie Program, in turn went on
to help others.
Dear Friends,
Greetings from the St. Dimitrie Program, I hope that this finds you well and in good spirits today.
Well, it has been some days since my last newsletter, and I have some
catching up to do. I''ll start by announcing that a very nice person
donated a new van for our program. We were driving one that was 20 years
old, and it actually would not even start last winter. Well, now we
have a better one, thanks be to God and to a good friend of our program.
Here is some exciting news. About four years ago, a Pentecostal minister
came to our group to see what we were doing. He started sending people
from his congregation to our treatment program, and some of them "stuck"
for the treatment, and "kept coming back" to the 12 Step groups. Well, I
am happy to announce that the first fellow from that church to get
sober invited me to a new AA meeting at his church. It turned out that
there were about 50 people there, most of them from the local groups
that we have started. About 15 of them attend the Pentecostal church
that this pastor was from. Of course we were very happy, but I did not
know that so many people were being sent from this one person. It was
really a good experience.
One of my staff and I started to count the number of such groups that we
have helped to start since November of 2000, when I first arrived in
Romania . We counted ten such groups, and honestly, I was surprised. I
was also joyous that not only have we helped some people to get into
recovery but that they are "doing the deal" of sharing the message about
recovery to other alcoholics and addicts. We had nothing to do with
this new group starting, other than that the fellow who started it got
sober in our program. It''s the seed that is growing that we are seeing
here, and for sure it is a blessing of God.
God Bless, and please do keep us in your prayers, we all need them.
In His Love,
One day at a time,
We ask for your continued prayers for Floyd and Ancu þ a Frantz .
Funds to help support the Frantz family can be sent to the Orthodox
Christian Mission Center designated for “Frantz” in the memo line, to
P.O. Box 4319 , St. Augustine , FL 32085-4319 . If you would like to
explore the possibility of serving as an OCMC Missionary, please call
toll-free 1-877-463-6784 or write .
The Orthodox Christian Mission Center: Helping Orthodox Christians
respond to Christ''s call to preach, teach, baptize, minister to the
poor and make disciples of all nations as the official international
mission agency of the Standing Conference of the Canonical Orthodox
Bishops in the Americas (SCOBA).
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