OCMC Missionaries, The Luisi Family, Arrive Safely in Albania
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OCMC Missionaries, The Luisi Family, Arrive Safely in Albania
September 21, 2006
The Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC), St. Augustine , FL – After
many months of preparation, the Luisi Family (Constance, Dennis and
their five year old son Dominico) have arrived safely in Albania .
Below, is a reflection from Constance of the family’s journey as
missionaries to Albania :
D ë shiroj nj ë bilet ë vajije* * I''d like a one-way ticket
The morning of September 8th, many of you will be waking up, and longing
for coffee when we arrive in Tirana. We''ll be a bit bleary-eyed, too,
having flown from Chicago to Frankfurt , to Vienna , to Tirana in about
19 hours. We''ll have left the comfortable, familiar surroundings of
Chicago , and will have arrived in the poorest nation in Europe .
So as you start your day, that second Friday in September, pray for us.
We are joining a vibrant, growing community of Christians in Albania .
The building of the new cathedral is well underway. There are plans for
new Orthodox schools. There are hopes for a senior home, near the
successful soup kitchen. The Children''s Home of Hope is now about full,
with 30-35 children. Classes continue at the Seminary, the church camp
season is almost over. It''s inspiring, and a little daunting, to be
joining a community that the Holy Spirit has clearly taken in hand.
There are improvements in Albania . There is a new, brightly-lit
imported goods ~ grocery store. There are other recently opened stores; a
posh four-floor shopping mall with European luxury stores has been
putting up posters around town. Tirana has also been repaving the
streets and with the new streets come new street signs, to the joy of
many who have had some trouble finding their way around.
We can''t leave without thanking all of you for making this mission
possible. We were on the road almost every weekend for the first 6
months of the year, traveling non-stop for more than a month during
Lent. We''ve logged more than 100 hours just driving and have visited 12
states. None of this would have been possible without the
encouragement, support and prayers of all of you. We are more grateful
than we can possibly say.
During their missionary service, the Luisi’s primary job will be to work
with the youth and children’s choirs, first in Tirana and then
throughout the country. Dennis’ skills may be put to work on various
building and repair projects. There may also be opportunities to put
Constance ’s language skills to work in teaching English and French.
We ask that you continue to prayer for Constance, Dennis and Domenico.
Funds to help support the Luisi Family can be sent to the Orthodox
Christian Mission Center , designated for the “Luisi Family” in the memo
line, to P.O. Box 4319 , St. Augustine , FL 32085-4319 . To find out
more about the Mission Center ’s missionaries, visit www.ocmc.org . or
contact us at missionaries@ocmc.org .
The Orthodox Christian Mission Center: Helping Orthodox Christians
respond to Christ''s call to preach, teach, baptize, minister to the
poor and make disciples of all nations as the official international
mission agency of the Standing Conference of the Canonical Orthodox
Bishops in the Americas (SCOBA).
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