OCMC Missionaries Needed

The Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC), St. Augustine, FL - The Orthodox Church in Kenya has many projects and activities that would benefit from the assistance and contribution of priests, teachers, nurses, doctors and others willing to serve as long-term OCMC Missionaries.
Kenya was the first country to welcome OCMC Missionaries in 1985 and in the history of the Mission Center, 13 people have served as missionaries in Kenya. With over 50,000 Orthodox faithful and more than 130 indigenous priests, Kenya has the largest indigenous Orthodox population in Africa.  
A priest is needed to serve the parish of Sts. Anargyroi (The Holy Unmercenaries) in Nairobi. He will serve this multi-ethnic community and help maintain parish life. As an OCMC Missionary, he will also help to train indigenous future Church leaders by lecturing at the Makarios Patriarchal Orthodox Seminary.
Medical personnel such as doctors and nurses are needed to serve at one of two Orthodox medical clinics, the Riruta Medical Clinic, which is near the Seminary or the Chavogere Medical Clinic in western Kenya. As well as responding to the medical needs, the OCMC Missionary will provide Health Education with a particular emphasis on the prevention of HIV/AIDS.
His Eminence Makarios, Archbishop of Kenya and Irinoupolis, writes, “Commitment to God takes place in many forms, from prayer to financial contributions; or fundraising, some are called to work as Missionaries in the Vineyards of the Lord. Those called have been given gifts of the Spirit and talents blessed by God’s grace. Let those who are willing to contribute a year [or more] in their lives to God as servants in building the Orthodox Church in the continent of the poor and the suffering, come and serve the Lord.”
Well-grounded, mature individuals who will provide a good example of Orthodox morality, ethos and spirituality are encouraged to apply. Terms for long-term OCMC missionaries are typically two years or more, but shorter time periods may be considered.
For more information on how to become a long-term missionary in Kenya or other mission locations, please contact the Orthodox Christian Mission Center’s Missionary Director, Maria Gallos, at missionaries@ocmc.org or (904) 829-5132 or toll-free at 1-877-GO-FORTH (463-6784). Check out www.ocmc.org/missionaries.php to find out more about OCMC missionaries.